StarSoft EQC
StarSoft EQC is 85% active.
StarSoft EQC is non-flammable. The solvent package is a combination of DEG (CAS #11-46-6) and DPG (CAS #25265-71-8).
StarSoft EQC has a melting point of 21°C which allows for “Cold Prep” manufacturing.
StarSoft EQC is plant-derived. We are very proud that EQC is vegetable-based and, as it is made from cotton-feed (non-edible), it does not take away raw materials for food supplies.
Company Information
Typical Properties
Color (Gardner)
<5 max
Acid Value
9.0 max
Total Amine Value
4.5 max
Melt Point °C
pH (5% IPA/aq)
~2.5 to 3.5
Other Information
Shelf Life
12 months from the date of manufacture
Listed International Inventories
StarSoft EQC is degradable by microorganisms in the aquatic environment based on the OECD pass level of biodegradability (60%).
Food Allergen Labeling (FALCPA)
This product does not contain any FALCPA listed food allergens as an ingredient or additive.
Animal Origin
This product does not contain any animal derived ingredients.
Genetically Modified Organisms
The fatty acid used for this product is derived from plants that are not genetically modified. The sorbitol used in this product is derived from corn that may be genetically modified. PCR analysis of the sorbitol used in this product indicates that it does not contain genetically modified DNA/RNA.
Prop 65
To the best or our knowledge this product contain no substances listed on California Prop 65.
Shipping Status
Storage Conditions
StarSoft EQC should be stored in closed, factory-sealed containers at temperatures between 10°C (50°F) and 49°C (120°F). Product stored for a prolonged period of time should be kept under a nitrogen atmosphere. Product should be used within three years of date of manufacture. Please refer to the Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) for this product for instructions on safe and proper handling and disposal.