Leading the way with quality and custom service.
Our Quality Policy
StarChem strives to:
Achieve a sustainable and strong business
Add value to its customers through excellence in service and quality
Create a stable and fulfilling work environment for its employees
Pursue its activities in an ethically, socially, and environmentally responsible manner
The StarChem® broad portfolio of chemistries and technologies provides value-added solutions to meet the needs of our customers.
Textiles & Nonwovens
StarChem is a leading chemical manufacturer for the global textile market. Our main manufacturing site has been producing textile auxiliaries in Wellford, SC for over 50 years.
Chemical Intermediates
StarChem specialty chemicals are supplied to other chemical companies as intermediates for their chemical processes.
HI & I
StarChem offers a wide range of chemicals that are components in dishwashing detergents, all-purpose cleaners, degreasers, disinfectants, vehicle-cleaning compounds, etc.
Personal Care
The StarChem chemistries for personal care include silicones, quaternary ammonium salts, and formulated surfactants.
Oil & Gas
StarChem specialty chemicals for Oil & Gas are used by service companies to formulate products for oil & has activities including drilling, production, stimulation, unconventional oil and gas recovery, and transportation.
Custom Manufacturing
StarChem’s multipurpose manufacturing facility allows for innovative solutions that fit our customer’s chemical needs.
The Data Speaks For Itself
We strive to combine key ingredients to create the right chemistry. Then we add in one more vital element: real value.
Global Locations
Years of Experience
Customer Dedication